For our first assignment at the Danish School of Media and Journalism we were given a map. On the map was outlined the postal code of Hasle, a primarily residential area outside of Aarhus, where we were sent to find a story. I met 19-year-old Mads Jeppesen at the Citykirken Pentecostal Church near the center of the town.
Christianity is the national religion of Denmark but the majority of the Danish population (over 80%) is religiously secular. Mads Jeppesen and his family have been members of the Pentecostal church for his entire life. Jeppeson attends church every Sunday and integrates faith into his daily life through worship, youth group and personal prayer.
As Jeppesen grew older he began to live his life differently than the teenagers around him. He refrains from drinking, drugs and sex before marriage to live a Christian life. As Christianity became a bigger part of his life he searched for friends to support his beliefs and his lifestyle choices.
Mads Jeppesen clutches his shoulders while speaking in tongues during prayer at the Citykirken Pentecostal church in Aarhus, Denmark. He has been a member of the Pentecostal church his entire life. |
Jeppesen rests his hand on his chest while singing along to a video game in the teen activity room at the Citykirken Pentecostal church in Aarhus, Denmark. Jeppesen volunteers in the LOUD program at the church as a mentor for young teens. |
Jeppesen lays on his bed after school with his two stuffed alligators in his room at his parents home. |
The Jeppesen family says grace at their kitchen table on Sunday after attending church. |
Jeppesen rides the bus home alone after school. "When I am going to school I pray to god to help me and support me because sometimes I feel really depressed and I felt really stressed because of my work so all the burdens of that I kind of put onto God." Jeppesen said. |
Jeppesen and his mother discuss who will get to use the car later that evening. |
Jeppeson holds Kasper Leibeck Olesen, 15, shoulder as he prays for him during the LOUD teen service at Citykirken church. “Loud is so much more that just God. Teens have so many problems so it's much more about letting then know about God. It’s about talking to them and listening to them.” Jeppesen said. |
Jeppesen and makes nachos with Marcus Boje at Citykirken church on Friday evening. “Alcohol sex and drugs are much more a part of the Danish culture today, Every time I go to a party with my classmates all of them are drunk. It's really good to have friends in the church.” Jeppesen said. |
Jeppesen smokes flavored tobacco at a waterpipe café with fellow Citykirken chuch member David Boje. Jeppesen meets Boje often to talk and ask for advice when he is going through a difficult time. |
Jeppesen drives his car home. "It has really helped me all my life to know God because I've always had someone to help me when I was really sad or I didn’t know what to do" Jeppesen said." |
Nice work Sarah!